Data export

The merchant has multiple options to get the number of subscribers and their payments.

API Endpoints

Yoki Finance provides two API endpoints supplying data in CSV format (which can be easily imported into Google Sheets). This is a private endpoint for each merchant.

  1. GetSubscribers – returns a list of subscribers (email, wallet address, payment plan, activeSubscription: true/false – to include past subscribers) for the merchant.

  2. GetPayments – returns a log of payments for the merchant. Each row includes

    1. Subscriber data (email (if previously provided in the redirection request), wallet address, product, pricing, etc).

    2. Payment date/time and status.

    3. Single payment amount.

CSV Export

The second option for the merchant is to connect with his wallet to the*merchant-name*/statistic page and download the subscriptions and payment data.

Last updated