
What is a Web3 Dollar-Cost-Averaging app and what problem does it solve?

Yoki Finance provides users with an easy way to create a recurring purchase subscription (DCA) through the Yoki widget, which is available on the dedicated page on the Yoki website or embedded into other crypto-project websites. This feature allows users to shortcut the investment process for a particular project.

The token subscription widget is built on the Yoki Finance smart contracts and could be integrated with any project with an ERC-20 token traded on Decentralized Exchanges.

By installing the Yoki widget on their website, Web3 projects can provide their users with a seamless and secure purchase experience, allowing them to quickly start a long-term investment in the project's token. This is a great way for crypto projects to stimulate and forecast stable token purchases, and increase engagement and loyalty among their users.


Purchasing cryptocurrencies regularly can be a time-consuming and complex, leaving holders unsure about security and transparency. The traditional approach to that often involves the following challenges:

  • Manual management requires significant time and energy, which may not be feasible.

  • Automated investment platforms often require transferring control of funds to centralized entities, leaving participants vulnerable to security risks.

  • A lack of transparency makes it hard to understand how the strategies work, and the users may not know where and how their money is being used.


Yoki Finance provides a simple and secure solution for businesses looking to provide DCA utility for their community and retail crypto users looking to automate their purchase strategies.

By leveraging smart contracts, Yoki Finance enables users to create and manage investment strategies that are stored and executed on EVM-compatible blockchains.

Revamping project and investor community interaction

Before DCA Widget

  1. Users get to know about the project from influencers, token trackers, or friends

  2. Purchase some amount of tokens

  3. ⛔️ Attention span is changed to other projects

With DCA Widget

  1. Users get to know about the project from influencers, token trackers, or friends

  2. Setup the purchasing schedule to mitigate the price fluctuation risk

  3. ✅ The token purchase is done automatically as long as the strategy is set up

Benefits for the partners

  • Manage long-term demand for your token

  • Interact with the most loyal community members (eg NFT distribution for certain investment milestones)

  • Create an additional revenue stream

  • Keep the purchase process in-house (your website/app)

Benefits for the community

  • Risk reduction

  • Time economy

  • Gasless transactions

  • Additional bounties from the project

  • Additional bounties from Yoki Finance

Why Dollar-Cost-Average?

Dollar-cost averaging is an investment strategy where an individual consistently invests a fixed amount of money at regular intervals, regardless of the asset's price. It aims to reduce the impact of market volatility by spreading out the investment over time, potentially resulting in lower average costs and mitigating the risk of making poor investment timing decisions.

Last updated