
This page describes steps by merchant to receive subscription statuses in their apps:

  1. Read the introduction to understand how Yoki webhooks work.

  2. Create environment TEST to test receiving webhooks.

  3. Send to Yoki the URL of webhook handler for TEST environment. It can be environment running on localhost.

  4. Yoki circles back to merchant and provides links to test tariff plans. Merchant's TEST webhook handler URL will be called in case of any event in your subscriptions.

  5. Merchant programs integration as they wish, tests it.

  6. Merchant creates PROD (production) environment and sends URL of webhook handler for PROD environment to Yoki.

  7. Yoki wires the webhook receiver URL to its PROD environment and informs merchant with the message "Production environment is ready".

  8. Now the system is ready for production use by merchant.

Important customisations:

  • If merchant wants to test integration on localhost, please refer to Localhost environment section.

  • If merchant receives subscription statuses in their apps via webhooks (how is outlined on this page), sending them to Telegram group has to be done by merchant programmatically, please refer to Sending to Telegram group section for implementation details.

Last updated